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July 7, 2024

Brendan Lawlor

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Brendan, welcome to the U.S. Adaptive Open. This is your first time competing after being exempt the past two years. What really inspired you to come over and play this year?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, it's something I've always wanted to do. The last two previous years, it was clashing with the Open in England, and I was working with SKY, so I couldn't attend unfortunately. A lot of my playing partners are coming and it's such a fantastic event, the atmosphere, the coverage it gets. There's so many brilliant things about it. I wanted to come and experience it, so I'm excited.

Q. Whom of the players competing this week are you the closest with? Who kind of shared some of those sentiments with you?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, so one of them would be Kipp Popert, Juan Postigo, Mike Browne, Kurtis Barkley, all the guys I compete on the G4D Tour with, they've been here twice before and said it was amazing. So I said I'd come and try it.

Q. How often do you get to come over and play in the States?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, we're starting to do a bit of work with the PGA TOUR the last probably two years, and I try to get over three times a year, probably one week of practice and maybe two tournaments a year.

But hopefully it's going to grow in that, and we get over here a lot more.

Q. Talk us through some of your accomplishments in the game. You've certainly -- winning the inaugural G4D British Open and then getting to play in some of those PGA TOUR events, what have been some of what you would consider your greatest accomplishments? Was there a victory that stood out the most to you?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, there's been quite a few. I've been very lucky to win a few times on the G4D Tour, especially at the start. I won three in a row my first year and jumped up to World No. 1 in the world, which was a massive goal of mine and got to pretty quick.

Then the year after, a big win in Dubai, the Grand Finale in Dubai I was delighted with. But the biggest would probably have to be the Open that was run by the R&A. It was a really, really strong field. All the best players in the world went, and I won that week, and the amount of people I could get into the game after that week was incredible. It was really, really good.

Q. Right now you're ranked in the top 5. What do you need to do to get back to that No. 1 position?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: A win this week would be a start. If I can go out and win this week and jump up a wee bit, I'd be delighted. Yeah, just keep doing what I'm doing. I'm well ahead of the third spot, and I'm a good bit behind the No. 1. If I can keep going out and play consistent, pick up a few wins, I think I shouldn't be far away.

Q. How does this course suit your game specifically?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, I'm pretty accurate off the tee, and it's a course where you have to be accurate. Played today. Played well, I shot 4-under today, and I only got in late last night. Do a bit of green reading now this afternoon, go home and sleep get ready for tomorrow. I think it's going to be quite low scoring because there's a lot of short holes. I'd say the course is quite short so you can get at it. I think people can go out and definitely shoot a number.

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