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July 6, 2024

Davis Thompson

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Quick Quotes

Q. Davis, what was working so well for you today?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, got off to a good start. Yeah was in a little trouble on 5, but, yeah, to make that bunker shot and keep it going, that was great.

On 6 I hit a tree. It kicked back out on the fairway and made birdie. It could have gone the other way. Yeah, I guess it was just my day today. Hit a lot of good shots on the back nine and finished the round off well. Yeah, it was good.

Q. Davis, is there a sense of unfinished business from last week or did that factor at all? Did you just come in here figuring, I'm playing good?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, a little bit. I mean, last week I was four back going into Sunday. I didn't really know what it would take to win that golf tournament. I played really solid Sunday. Just came up one shot short.

But, I mean, not really. It's a new week. I feel like I've been playing well. Just tried to keep it going. Yeah, hopefully I got one more good one in me tomorrow.

Q. When is the last time you took the lead into Sunday?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Probably Amex last year. Yeah, been a while. It's cool to have hard work pay off and put yourself in these moments, and hopefully I can take advantage of it tomorrow.

Q. In your mind, what's it's going to take tomorrow?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I mean, I'm sure I'll have a number in my mind tomorrow once I look at the conditions and hole locations. My goal tomorrow is just hit the first tee shot on 1 and then the second shot and third shot and just stack good shots on top of each other.

Q. B-Todd's got you winning -- playing in the Ryder Cup and winning majors. Are you hungry for that opportunity, for this first win?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, everybody is hungry. That's what makes it difficult out here. There is a lot of losers every week out here. You can have great weeks and finish top 10. At the end of the day your goal is to win the golf tournament.

Yeah, it's frustrating at times, but at the end of the day this is what you work for, to put yourself in these positions.

Q. On top of everything else, you have the responsibility of holding up the Champion's House for a third straight year.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah. Yeah, it's been fun staying with those guys this week. Hopefully maybe it three years in a row. That would be pretty cool. Seems like everybody is going to want to be staying in that house next year.

Q. Is there a mojo there? What's going on?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I don't know. It's pretty laid back. Been going, eating dinner every night and hanging out, watching TV. Been really laid back and all the guys in the house are great.

Been a really easy week.

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