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July 5, 2024

Zach Johnson

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you remember a more gratifying par save than 18?

ZACH JOHNSON: You mean -- par save?

Q. You came out of the sand.

ZACH JOHNSON: Oh, that was -- I mean, my caddie and I were talking on the 18 tee. The bunker is fine. I just didn't want to hit it right. I had a nice lie. I was trying to make birdie. I thought I made birdie. Actually thought I missed my putt right and actually missed it left. That's how close it was.

So wasn't really -- I felt like I had a birdie opportunity not really a save.

Q. How gratifying is it to be in contention after two days. You really have done a great job.

ZACH JOHNSON: Well, I appreciate that. My mentality when it comes to that, being in contention doesn't come down to the last nine holes on Sunday. We're halfway. I'm not in contention.

I'm in position to make a move tomorrow. Hopefully put myself in position to make a move on Sunday.

Q. You've said you felt like your game is in a good place. Does it feel good to see the score reflecting that right now?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah, I'm not surprised or shocked I guess. I am not surprised at all. I bee hitting in the middle of the face a lot and been seeing a lot of putts start down the line I'm looking.

Just not -- it has not shown up for 72 I straight holes yet. Yeah, it would be gratifying if I could do that this week. If it's not this week, it'll be really soon. The work I've put in on and off the golf course is going to show. It's just a matter of when.

Q. In terms of getting that 72 holes, what are some of the things you're focusing on to make sure you can have this excellent level of play throughout the entire weekend?

ZACH JOHNSON: Well, I don't have to deviate, that's for sure. Maybe a couple things I got to clean up. Nothing overly significant.

I think it's just really a matter of being committed to what I'm trying to do on each and every shot. You know, obviously remaining patient. I'm hitting a lot of good shots.

I made some bogeys today on actually pretty good shots. I felt like I hit two bad shots today and they cost me: Second shot on 9 and obviously the tee shot on 17. That one is -- that one hurts.

Other than that, I gave myself a lot of opportunities and missed some putts and made some putts. It was really solid given the conditions. That's as windy as I've played this place in a long time.

Q. How different was the wind?

ZACH JOHNSON: I mean, we've had a west wind before, west by west northwest before. That isn't out of the ordinary. The velocity of it was pretty -- well, you just had to pay attention.

There are a few tee shots even though the fairways are still soft, you still feel like you don't really want to ride the wind that much. You got to hold it into it or draw it into it or whatever it may be based on the significance of it.

It's definitely there.

It requires everything to be on and I love that. This is the way you want it. Yesterday was, where is the wind? Today you know where it is. It's just a matter of how much and is it hurting or helping. A lot of crosswind.

Q. Where are you in terms of where are you hitting the ball? Are you hitting it close to the places you're accustomed to hitting it here?

ZACH JOHNSON: Can you elaborate?

Q. Are you hitting it to the places that you were, let's say, in 2013, 2015?

ZACH JOHNSON: As far as distance?

Q. Yeah.

ZACH JOHNSON: I haven't gotten shorter and haven't gotten much longer. I guess that's probably a good thing in the sense that I know some of my limitations. I certainly understand there is -- the beauty of the game is the knowledge and the growth of it in the sense that there is -- there are protocols to gain speed; I've maybe dipped my toe in that.

But at the same time, I haven't had any injuries and I don't feel 100% every time I wake up, so I don't think that's probably a wise thing to do at almost 49 years old.

I need to keep hitting fairways and the middle of the face and give myself chances that way. Sounds really boring. It is really boring. I shouldn't say that. It is really boring. But that's the way it's got to be. Because I could swing harder but I'm not so sure that would be wise. It would hurt.

Q. Considering your course knowledge here, what kind of weather conditions are you looking forward to or what type of weather conditions on the weekend would benefit you more than other guys in to the field?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah, I've looked at the forecast. It seems to be ever-evolving and changing somewhat. I think the beauty of this place is when it gets bouncy it really gets good. Gets shorter but gets a lot more narrow.

And when you have a 7-, 6-, 5-iron in your hand and you can pretty much point and shoot and it might release seven feet, guys are going to shoot some low numbers.

I hope there is no more rain in the forecast. I hope there is so some bounce. Played it up yesterday given the potential, which was probably a good call on their part.

Today we did not. I was kind of worried about mudballs. I mean, I had dust balls. I didn't have anything of any consequence, which is good. Hopefully this wind dries it out a little bit. I know it is supposed to diminish to that five to eight tomorrow, maybe even a little bit more, but not much. In the six to ten range.

Today was blowing -- when we got to the 15th hole that was bizarre. Really bizarre. That was 10 to 20 depending when you hit. So that's Mother Nature. I would love for it to be dry and windy.

Q. You said no mudballs today. Could you tell the fairways were drying out a little bit or were they still soft?

ZACH JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean, they're not by no means bouncy and concrete. They're receptive. Again, depends if you're drawing it with the right to left or cutting with the right to left. If you're cutting with the -- if you're using the wind the ball is going to release a little bit.

If you aim down like the rough line and get a really lucky bounce like Jordan does every time, landing in the intermediate, it goes a long ways. That's smart of him.

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