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July 4, 2024

Bud Cauley

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Quick Quotes

Q. Just talk about the conditions out there. A good way to start the John Deere Classic.

BUD CAULEY: Yeah, it was definitely gettable out there. The wind laid down in soft conditions so you could make so the birdies if you put yourself in the right spot.

Q. Talk about just being back out here after a few years off. How is your game coming along? Looked good today.

BUD CAULEY: Yeah, today was a good day. Hit it a little bit better, made some putts, which is nice. Being back is a lot of fun. Was out for a long time so being able to play the last few months has been a lot of fun.

Try to make couple more birdies than I have.

Q. Did what you went through put this game or life in general in perspective a little bit?

BUD CAULEY: Yeah, I think so. I love playing golf but obviously when I was hurt I got married, we had our first son, so a lot of things changed. I think probably more so that than being hurt is what put life in perspective.

Q. The scores today, I think 78 golfers have been out, and only six are over par. Are those conditions out there to have numbers that we're seeing so far?

BUD CAULEY: Yeah, like I said, the wind laid down and the greens are soft, so -- and ball in hand also -- so if you can get the ball in the fairway you get yourself a good lie you can make a lot of birdies out here if you hit in the fairway.

Q. Been out here several times. What is it about this event that you might like?

BUD CAULEY: It's a fun golf course to play. I've always thought it suits my eye very well. Like the way the holes are shaped. And the greens are always perfect. What's not to like about that?

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