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July 4, 2024

Zach Johnson

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice start to a Thursday. What was it like out there? Seems like the conditions were good.

ZACH JOHNSON: It was -- I mean, I won't say it's unfortunate, because that's not -- I think mother nature has her way, right?

Was talking to Jordan. Had lunch with him Tuesday. He's like, this place is bouncy. You got to pay attention where you land it. When it gets firm and fast everything goes like this, narrows, especially around the green.

But right now, that inch of rain and the humidity and the overcast, there is not much roll. It's kind of point and shoot.

Now, I saw all that and you still got to hit shots and make putts. If there is one thing about this facility, is that the turf is so good even when it's wet it's pure. Must be those John Deere mowers.

Q. You've been known to say you can't win a golf tournament on a golf tournament. Here you've told us that several times.

ZACH JOHNSON: Wasn't my coin, but, yeah.

Q. But you can mess it up a little bit. You got to be happy with the performance and being where you are. I think last year wasn't as good as this year.

ZACH JOHNSON: Every year is --

Q. -- a blur.

ZACH JOHNSON: I can't remember which is what. I think I made the cut last year. I know I didn't play great, but, yeah, you can't win it on Thursday.

My game has been good. Sounds like I'm trying to amp myself up. It has been. It hasn't really shown on the scorecard for 72 holes.

So I'm just kind of hoping that -- I played 18 and I'm going go to the 19th hole tomorrow. That's kind of the way I'm looking at it. Not the bar, but the actual first tee box.

But, I mean, I'm just going to try to let the week lead into it and play 72 holes ideally like I'm playing today. Create maybe a few more opportunities coming in would be ideal. Yeah, it's a start.

Q. I got one last one. My first story out here was on you and the Zach Attack shirts.

ZACH JOHNSON: Oh, my gosh, that was a long time ago.

Q. 22 years, your 22nd time at the John Deere Classic, which made me feel old. When I say that to you, 22 years and the reception is still what it is and the fans are still here, what does it mean?

ZACH JOHNSON: I'm shocked it's not 23. We didn't play in 2020. You're right. Good math.

Q. I don't hear that very often.

ZACH JOHNSON: It means everything. I mean, this community is another home for me. It's certainly a home when you're talking about my tour calendar, talking about the people, the board, the actual tournament staff, but more so, the great company of John Deere. They're partners in what I do both on and off the golf course so I love coming back.

And you talk about the fans. I said yesterday in my presser. Maybe a slight exaggeration, but they really don't care what my scorecard says. That's kind and I'm grateful to are that. It's a hard game.

But I love coming back. My kids love it, even though they're every which way right now because of endeavors. We love coming back here.

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