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July 4, 2024

Sepp Straka

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Quick Quotes

Q. (Indiscernible.)

SEPP STRAKA: Always, yeah, but I still think 5-under is a pretty good round out there today. It's hard to really force too much more than that.

I definitely felt like I played well enough to shoot better, but could have also missed some of those putts and shot worse.

Yeah, pretty happy with the 5-under.

Q. Compared to what you did last year you're in better position even. Do you feel good about that?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, statistically, math-wise I should win it by about 8. Yeah, definitely feel better about not having to go home and book a flight right now. Definitely feel better than I did last year at this point.

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