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July 1, 2024

Jay Haas

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Jay, you broke a record today. 72 holes, most completed Senior Open with 18. You were tied with Tom Watson. What does that say about the longevity of your career?

JAY HAAS: I've been pretty lucky over the years staying pretty healthy and just being able to compete for as long as I have.

I still enjoy that part of it, the competition, trying to hit good shots when I need to. I don't do it nearly as often as I would like.

But I guess maybe just I've remained passionate about golf I guess. Never really got tired of it.

But I managed to play well in this tournament each time, and good enough to make the cut and contend a few times early in my 50s. I think from the first U.S. Junior I played in Spokane, Washington, that was in 1970 or '71, somewhere in there. But that was a pretty cool experience.

So the USGA tournaments have held a special place for me.

Q. Have you done something to remain so consistent over the years?

JAY HAAS: Not really. I think I'm pretty good at a lot of things; not great at anything. I just, again, I think passion, I still have that. And my health has been good. I lost some time last year with the back issue.

Overall when you think of starting my career, professional career at 23 and here a 70 still trying to do it. I played way longer than I thought I ever would.

But that's just it. My body has held up pretty good.

Q. Newport Country Club what you thought it would be?

JAY HAAS: Yes, I think even better. My caddie and best friend Billy Harmon who was a pro here '90 to '96. We were going to do this in 2000 and got waylaid. I played a few times here when he was a pro; not a lot.

But from what I remember, this is the best condition I've seen it in. Not having an aeration system and at the mercy of the rain. Still, when you think about how much rain we've had and it's still rolling pretty good. Wouldn't take long here with this wind today if we had to play tomorrow, it would be drying out already.

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