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July 1, 2024

Ernie Els

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Ernie Els to the interview room here at the U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club. 5-under 65 in the final round. Walk us through your round a little bit.

ERNIE ELS: Yeah, thank you. I obviously got things together today. You know, just struck the ball a little bit better. Struggling with my swing all week. A little bit out of sync, so got things more under control.

Gave myself a lot of opportunities, especially the front nine. And then finishing last night on 16 green, the wind changed. I think you'll see it on television this morning. It's a real change. 180 degree change and blowing a bit.

18 I was very fortunate to make a 4. Really plays long. Going to be interesting to see what happens this morning.

Q. So as the rest of the field is finishing up on 18, what might they be facing down the stretch?

ERNIE ELS: Well, they're going to face some difficult holes. I see our leader already made a mistake this morning.

So it's all the holes that were downwind yesterday this morning, so all the hole that were downwind yesterday are into the wind. That means 18, 17, 16. 15 is down, 14 is into the wind. So got a bit of a challenge coming in, although 16 is a par-5.

But, you know, all kudos to the greens staff. The golf course was just unbelievable this morning after this torrential rain from last night. Yeah, it's been a great.

Q. Does the course feel soft? Can you take it right at the hole?

ERNIE ELS: Yeah, it's changed a bit. It started getting a little firmer on Saturday, and then yesterday was playing great, even in the fog.

But then that rain came and it's playing soft. So the guys can really go at flags. There are some difficult flags, but I think the big factor is going to be 18.

I think 18 is playing like a par-5. You know, difficult to make 4, very difficult to make 3, easy to make 5.

Q. Going back to your round yesterday, when you made that run of three straight birdies, 6, 7, 8, can you talk about that?

ERNIE ELS: Yeah, I was hoping for more foul weather. Only way I could get back into this thing. As I said, I had a great start. The wind was up yesterday afternoon with the storm blowing in.

So it was good for me. But the leaders were hanging tough, too. But I needed very tough conditions with a very low score to get anywhere. The leaders are playing great. Let's see what happens.

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