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July 1, 2024

Richard Green

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Richard Green to the interview room at the Senior Open at Newport Country Club.

Richard, third place here at Newport. How would you sum up the championship?

RICHARD GREEN: Good week. It was a tough week mentally to compete and challenge myself to try and win the U.S. Senior Open. It was trying conditions today with a completely opposite wind direction, made some holes play totally different. Required a lot of different strategy and a lot more thought into how we were going to go about getting it done.

As much as I've tried to press, golf doesn't usually allow you to press, does it? You've got to do well and let the birdies come to you, if they come to you. Those didn't come.

Got a little bit frustrated on 16 and hit a putt too hard. Other than that, I'm pretty pleased how I got through the last hole. The last hole was very challenging. A bit of great up-and-down to finish it off.

Q. You played with Steve and Hiroyuki the last two days, Hiroyuki now in a playoff here. What can you say about his game and I guess his chances?

RICHARD GREEN I wish him all the best. He probably deserves it for the effort that he's put in the whole week. He's played pretty flawless golf until today, where some pressure probably got to him a little bit.

We kind of needed that to get ourselves into position better. Look, he still did really well to finish where he finished. I think he's got the game to get it done.

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