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July 1, 2024

Thongchai Jaidee

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You got going yesterday with the eagle on 2. Just tell me how that went and I guess what your strategy was.

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: Yeah, we had driver in the bunker, greenside bunker. We have hole from the bunk from about 32 yards; 22 yards from that we hole that from bunker.

We play hard yesterday. You know, we start with the par-3. We hit on the green and have one three-putt, and the par-4 coming up is very hard on the back nine. We bogey on 10.

We okay, you know, try to keep the ball on the green, fairway, green, and putt, but it challenge for me. I mean, good finish for the round today. We play 3-under par with the wind direction change, completely changing in morning.

I mean, you have to keep the ball in play this golf course. You know, like the course is play long because the soft fairway, wind direction changes. But, yeah, very happy in my round today.

Q. You had a fast restart today. Got back out there and played really well. The wind switched. How difficult was the course in comparison to yesterday with the different holes, particularly 18 playing back up into the wind?

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: Yeah, we get back to the play the back nine, 13, the par-3 we went in the bunker and we make up and down from bunker. We made par.

I think we play all the way into the wind except one hole, 15, downwind. That's why we try to keep -- hit the fairway, hit the green, try to make a putt.

I hit some hole really good iron and hole some putt. Really good up and down on 13 and make the good up and down from 32 yard from bunker.

The golf course is -- it plays hard, you know, all week because the wind switched up. Some point, you know, today and -- yesterday and today is completely different. It's very difficult.

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