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July 1, 2024

Brett Quigley

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Brett, just describe this entire experience.

BRETT QUIGLEY: Just an incredible week. I mean, the show coming to town and coming to Rhode Island was fantastic. I thought Rhode Island and the golf course showed incredibly well, and certainly all of Rhode Island should be proud. It's very cool.

Q. Coming back out here this morning, what was the mentality the last few holes to wrap things up?

BRETT QUIGLEY: It's tough. You're used to everything being over, and to come back it's a tough mindset. Golf course is going to be tough for the leaders coming in. Should be interesting to watch them finish and see how they fare on 14, 16, and 18. They're playing tough.

Q. Being in the group next to Billy, too, wrapping this tournament up, was that fun? Did you see him in passing?

BRETT QUIGLEY: We were talking yesterday morning about how it would have been nice if we had gotten paired the last round. Certainly walking -- I know walking back and forth on a few of the fairways we were looking at each other just kind of smiling and just thrilled to be a part of the whole thing.

Q. Is there one thing that really stood out to you this week that maybe caught you even by surprise?

BRETT QUIGLEY: You know, I mean, maybe seeing some of the TV coverage, the drone shots, and seeing how beautiful the whole state looks.

Obviously we know that being from here, but on TV or seeing those aerial views is incredible.

Q. How hopeful are you that this event comes back?

BRETT QUIGLEY: Oh, it has to. Absolutely. I think it showed well, and I think USGA had a great championship and looks like it's going to finish up nice.

Q. All the places golf has taken you, Billy, and Brad, for all three of you guys to be back here this week, it's kind of special.

BRETT QUIGLEY: Yeah, very. Billy and I are playing, so, yeah, we're all thrilled and big smiles on our faces all week.

Q. You guys ever give him a hard time that you're both still out there and he's up there in the booth?

BRETT QUIGLEY: Yeah, we were trying to get him an exemption so we would all play together. The USGA really dropped the ball there. No, no, Fax is (indiscernible.)

Q. Plans for the rest of the day?

BRETT QUIGLEY: Yeah, laundry and then hang out with the kids. Probably go to the beach.

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