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July 1, 2024

Hiroyuki Fujita

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Hiroyuki Fujita to the interview room at the U.S. Senior Open here at the Newport Country Club.

Hiroyuki, can you just let us know how you're feeling after that playoff.

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I started the day with a three-shot lead. I didn't play my best and got into a playoff. Definitely disappointed I didn't hit the ball as well as I have all week.

Q. I know it's hard to explain your feelings, but would you ultimately classify second place at this U.S. Senior Open in a playoff berth a success?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I definitely still played well, and I put together a good performance. It would have been better if I won. It's a little disappointing I lost. However, I'm proud of myself.

Q. Did you feel any different today when you woke up as opposed to the last four days?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: The wind was a little different today. It was the first time I've played Newport with this kind of wind. So I was definitely a little uneasy about that, and you can see the results out there, that some of the shots weren't what I wished they were.

Q. What positives do you take from this week overall?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Again, there were some positive moments. However, I'm definitely disappointed. I had a lot of people rooting for me and watching in Japan. I was really hoping to take that trophy home.

Q. Just a playoff, you versus one other player, how does your strategy change playing match play versus just one person on the same hole over and over?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Definitely different than stroke play, and it's a complete reset. So I just try to approach each hole given sudden death and two-hole aggregate.

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