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June 30, 2024

I.K. Kim

Haeji Kang

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Haeji and I.K. after their final round here at the Dow Championship. How much fun did you guys have this week, especially being in contention? How much fun was this week for both of you?

I.K. KIM: It was very new to me, so it was a good experience, and just being with Haeji on the course, it was just a totally different experience and something that I'll very much cherish for a long time.

HAEJI KANG: Well, playing with I.K., it was really amazing because she's super experienced, and she was really calm. It could be a panic situation, but she was always calm, which made me super calm out there.

I think it'll be a special remembering for me.

Q. What was the mindset coming down the stretch through those last couple of holes knowing you're right there within a couple shots of the leaders?

HAEJI KANG: To be honest, I wasn't really hitting it solid today, and it was really hard to judge the wind because it was sometimes gusty and it wasn't there.

We tried our best to save par on the last few holes, so it was a little bit of a struggle.

Q. What will you take away from this week as a whole after playing together? Come back next year hopefully?

I.K. KIM: For me, I think it was great experience. Volunteers have been wonderful. Best ever, I think, in any event that I have participated in. Definitely would love to come back.

HAEJI KANG: Of course I would love to come back to play with I.K., if she's willing to, because she's a great partner.

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