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June 30, 2024

Nanna Koerstz Madsen

Nicole Broch Estrup

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Nicole and Nanna after the final round of the Dow Championship. Third-place finish right now looking like. Just talk about today and what was going through your minds as you played out there.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Today we needed each other a lot more than we did the other days.


NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I was struggling from the start, and then I kind of -- yeah, she was playing the first four holes, I think, and then I kind of stepped in a little bit.

We were in a little bit more trouble today, but when Nanna was in trouble, I kind of stepped in, and the other way around. I'm so happy to have had Nanna by my side this week.

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: But it was a lot of fun out there. It was tough in the beginning. There was a lot of wind. But it got beautiful in the end, so it was fun.

Q. How would you summarize the week for you both, both golf and being together-wise?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: It's just been really, really fun. It's been good seeing Nicole again, first of all. It's been fun being on the same team for once, high-fiving. It's been a lot of fun.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I've enjoyed it a lot. Obviously the first week back on the LPGA this year. I couldn't have asked for a better week. Obviously we could have gone a couple spots better, but I feel like we can be super proud of each other.

We played with our hearts, and it was so much fun.

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Neither of us had the best game today, so I feel like it was a good score we ended up getting.

Q. How do you use this finish moving forward?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: It's always nice with a good finish, moving up some spots, and for you it's even better.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, as I said, first week back on the LPGA. I don't know how many starts I'll get. I'm into Evian in two weeks' time and then Scottish and hopefully British. I will get a couple, and this definitely helps my way back to potentially full-time LPGA again, so we'll see.

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