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June 29, 2024

Leylah Fernandez

Eastbourne, England, UK

Devonshire Park

Press Conference

D. KASATKINA/L. Fernandez

6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Obviously not the result you wanted today, but you must be pleased with all the matches you got here heading into Wimbledon, Leylah.

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: Yeah, no, it's definitely not the result that I wanted today, but it was a great week, great matches that I have played throughout this week and last week.

So I'm just happy with the level that I was able to show. You know, I think I got enough matches under my belt, enough grass court time, so hopefully Wimbledon goes well.


Q. Congrats on a great week. In terms of today, what do you think was the difference?

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: I would say just small margins. I think I precipitated a little bit too much. Maybe I went for the lines, and this time it didn't go in. You know, Dasha, she's a super-consistent player. She definitely took advantage of that.

Just small margins, like, on some important points, I had some breakpoint opportunities where just kind of missed the mark a couple of times, and when she had her opportunities, she took it.

So, you know, it's just these little details that we've got to work on. We're definitely going to look at some videos, maybe not tonight or tomorrow, but we're going to look at it, see what we can work on, and just go from there.

Q. Is it going to be a challenge or will it be easy to kind of shift gears into Wimbledon?

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: I have no idea. It's my first time actually being in this situation, so, you know, right now we're just going to assess the match first, and then afterwards, once we assess it and make our way to London, once we arrive in London, I think that's when we're going to focus on Wimbledon.

Q. In terms of Wimbledon historically and your participation there and being in main draws, what is the biggest challenge for you? What is the key for you to kind of work your way through that tournament? What is the specific thing about Wimbledon?

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: Yeah, Wimbledon is such a prestigious tournament. I think growing up, every kid has a dream of playing at Wimbledon.

So I think for me right now, the key is just to enjoy my time there, you know, try not to think about wins or losses but just play good tennis, enjoy that I have the opportunity to play a Grand Slam once again, and just hopefully I can get through the rounds and, as I said before, play good tennis.

Q. It's been a brilliant run to the final here at Eastbourne. In terms of preparation for Wimbledon and the grass court season, it feels like this is one of the best preparations you have had going into the slam.

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: Yeah, definitely. I haven't had many grass court seasons, but I think at the moment, it's definitely one of the best ones. You know, I think I was able to prepare, we did a good transition from clay to grass after French, and then we were able to just keep that training going, momentum going, and hopefully Wimbledon it goes well.

Q. You were moving forward really well today, and the crowd were loving some of the volleys that you were making. Was that part of the game plan, and do you plan to bring that same style next week into Wimbledon?

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: Yeah, I think it was part of the game plan, but it's also part of my game. I have been trying to go to the net more and more throughout the season, and I think today was, like, a good opportunity to do that.

It's unfortunate that I didn't do more, because the success rate was really well. I just wish, like, I could have done a couple more in the match, but, you know, it's just lessons learned.

You know, I think hopefully I'll get more opportunities to go to the net, more matches where I can implement that in my games.

Q. In terms of the positives from this week, a couple of words on some of the positives you're taking with you?

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: Yeah, lots of positives, actually. You know, I think I have been known of being very hard on myself in the past, but this week I'm just extremely happy with my fitness and my mentality. Physically I'm feeling great, feeling strong. I think it shows that I'm not getting pushed off the line as easily. So I think that's a good step forward and we can definitely work on that.

Then of course, like, my game as a whole, I'm just super happy how things are falling into places. The work that I have been doing with my coach for a long time since we restarted together last year is in the right direction, and hopefully we can keep going in the right, yeah, right direction.

Q. Your Olympics doubles partner, Gaby Dabrowski, is playing the final now. Will you get a chance to see any of that? And obviously you're rooting for her in the final.

LEYLAH FERNANDEZ: Yes, of course I'm rooting for her. I'm always rooting for Gaby.

We'll see if I do get a chance to watch a couple of her points. At the moment, we are stuck in packing mode and get to London as quickly as possible, but I'll definitely be following the score online.

I just, like, wished her good luck before the match, so hopefully all goes well. I'm sure they're going to kill it out there.

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