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June 29, 2024

Grace Kim

Auston Kim

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Grace and Auston after the third round of the Dow Championship. Talk a little bit about how today went with alternate shot and being maybe a little bit tougher than yesterday, seeing some of those low numbers. Whoever would like to go first.

GRACE KIM: I think today we probably had a very late tee time. Obviously just staying patient throughout the afternoon and evening pretty much.

Again, like we probably knew that foursomes were not going to be too low score-wise. We obviously tried our best, and the wind was up there. It got a bit gusty, and club selection was crucial.

We just tried to keep it in play and make as many pars as we could. Obviously if we have birdie opportunities, we'd take them. I think 1-under is a pretty decent score, especially with the conditions we had today.

AUSTON KIM: Going into this week, we had the goal of shooting under par on the foursomes day. Tomorrow, like the best ball will always be the days to go low, and we'll have more chances tomorrow.

I think we both fought really hard and well. We had some tough shots out there, but we didn't say sorry. Again, we always knew we could scrape in that par. We always had that trust in one another. And we managed to battle it out today.

Q. Was there any kind of pep talks at all throughout the round? Looked like you had back-to-back birdies after the turn. Didn't know if there was any, you got this, any side bets, anything like that?

GRACE KIM: No. Again, we probably both know what to do, so we don't really need the pep talk. Yeah, we just obviously trusted each other's game. I think we knew we had to be in our own little lanes and just do what we had to do.

AUSTON KIM: We're both super encouraging to one another in spirit. So it was good.

GRACE KIM: I think we both just know it spiritually and internally.

Q. You're good. You got it.


Q. Just a couple out of the lead. What are you hoping for tomorrow? I know you set some goals about trying to go as low as possible. Any thoughts heading into tomorrow?

AUSTON KIM: We don't have a number in mind, but just trying to give ourselves with our own games as many opportunities as possible and maximizing our chances, increasing those odds, and if we can do something special tomorrow, then it will be really cool.

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I think obviously heading into this week, everyone is just trying to have a fun week. Obviously if we play well, we play well. Just try and enjoy it as much as we can since it's our last day tomorrow.

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