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June 29, 2024

In Kyung Kim

Haeji Kang

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with I.K. Kim and Haeji Kang. One of the best rounds we've seen today. Just talk about how it went out there.

HAEJI KANG: I hit it on the green, pretty close enough. But I.K.'s putting within 20 feet was really good. So she pretty much made everything for me. So I didn't have to work anything.

It was a very easy round. It felt like really easy, yeah.

IN KYUNG KIM: I don't know it was easy, but it was quite windy today compared to last few days. So that was big factor for us to play well today.

Haeji hit a great shot on No. 5, hit it on the green. Making the eagle was just something that I didn't expect. So it was quite cool to play the alternate shot that way today.

Q. And what was the conversation around partnering together this week? Was there a story of who asked who, or why did you decide to partner together?

HAEJI KANG: I asked I.K. because I wasn't in the tournament, and looks like it's really working out well. We're having so much fun together.

But like we haven't been talking too much on the golf course because we were busy doing our own stuff and try to be good to each other.

Q. Just one last question too. What are you looking forward to most tomorrow going back to the four ball format and being at the top of the leaderboard as of right now?

IN KYUNG KIM: I think we did pretty well yesterday, but I think it's just something that I've done it before. Alternate shot is very -- I don't have much experience of it, but best ball, I think we get to have a little bit more fun to play the course.

It's a fun tournament so far for me. It's my first time experiencing. So it's really cool.

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