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June 29, 2024

Brittany Lincicome

Brittany Lang

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Brittany Lincicome and Brittany Lang after the third round of the Dow Championship. Solid round today with alternate shot format. Just talk about the day you guys had.

BRITTANY LANG: It was a great day. We made a bomb on the 1st hole kind of, like a 30-footer or so. Then Brit made some awesome putts for par.

BRITTANY LINCICOME: That's me. Make sure you get that in there.

BRITTANY LANG: Like the next five holes she did, this Brit, and she kept us alive. We had an awesome back nine, which was the front nine, our back, and we kept plugging along and made some really good birdies coming in.

Q. What's it been like playing together this week? I think one of you posted on Instagram, just supporting your kids.

BRITTANY LINCICOME: It's been super great. She's been semiretired, and I'm working my way there. It's funny how much better you play when you're just out there to have fun.


BRITTANY LINCICOME: So to have a friend, if you hit a bad shot, it's just somebody there to pump you up. It's just crazy how much better you play when you're having fun.

We've been doing that all week. I've been doing a silly dance when we make birdies. We've been just smiling the whole time. It's really been a fun week.

Q. What was the conversation to partner together? Who asked who?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Oh, I don't think there was any other -- we don't play with anybody else.

BRITTANY LANG: No. We just assume. Whether somebody's pregnant or injured, we play with each other.

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Yeah, for sure. We've gone back all the way to Solheim days. We did want to change our name to either AARP or Life Alert because we're both really old. We thought that would be really funny.


BRITTANY LINCICOME: Yeah, because of all of the 20-year-olds. We stuck with the Killer Bees because we liked that name.

Q. What's something you've always admired about each other? Whether it be your games outside of golf or anything like that?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: We've been friends since we were like 13, so probably just never give up. She's always so positive and one shot at a time. I think that's what I need. I tend to get a little ahead of myself, and I'm like, oh, my God. I start panicking when I hit a bad shot.

Obviously golf is a long round and you're out there a long time and you can't hit everything perfect, and it's nice to have someone super positive, and I'm like, oh, yeah, I can do that.

BRITTANY LANG: Brit is so confident. She's won nine times and played on six Solheims. She's so confident and clutch, and she showed that yesterday birdieing in for us to make the cut.

She's so confident and clutch like that. I've always admired her like that with golf.

I'd probably say confident too outside of golf too.


Q. That's awesome. And then talk a little bit about yesterday. We didn't talk to you guys yesterday, but birdieing in to make the cut is huge. Was there any conversations going down the stretch to pump each other up or just natural?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: For some reason, in my head right when we teed off, I was like 9-under. We have to shoot 9-under. I don't have any clue.

BRITTANY LANG: She did. She was on it from the start.

BRITTANY LINCICOME: I had no clue the cut was going to be 7-under. I don't look at the leaderboard, and some reason I saw it, it was 3-under. I'm like, okay, that's doable. No big deal.

There are leaderboards everywhere, so I saw it again at 6, and I was like, holy cow, what is everybody doing out there?

Then we made a bogey, and it was like you have to make one or two coming in or you don't have a chance. I thought with 7 we were way comfortable, so when we went to 7, we birdied 16 and 17 coming in, so that's obviously what we needed to be here today.

BRITTANY LANG: Yeah, Brit was really clutch. We played well all day, but Brit made two very clutch birdies coming in.

Q. What kind of confidence does that give you heading into tomorrow?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Easier format. We just think two balls in play, two putts, two birdies.


BRITTANY LINCICOME: Keep it very simple. We didn't shoot 9-under yesterday, so that's going to be our number for tomorrow.


Q. I love it. Thank you guys.

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