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June 29, 2024

Atthaya Thitikul

Ruoning Yin

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Ronni and Jeeno after the third round. Another day at the top of the leaderboard. Talk about how today went out there going back to alternate shot format.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: We don't really have like a good start for the front nine. So we kind of crush coming back, bounce back from the back nine, which is what I believe. I just believe in her. She got my back; I got her back.

I'm just like I don't really worry about when we have a bad start because I know that we both can bounce back anyway.

RUONING YIN: We had a rough start, which is me being stupid. I made a couple of mistakes, and Jeeno just talked to me and say, hey, I know we just need to hit the ball, and we'll make birdies. I have you; you have me. That's all you need to know.

Yeah, we bounced back in the way we were tough out there. I know today the conditions are pretty tough as well as pretty windy. We bounced back, and I'm proud of us.

Q. Is that some of those things you said out there on the course to each other?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Actually, she just really upset after hole No. 4 because I know like she doesn't -- no one want to hit it bad, to be honest. So I know it's just like a mistake that you just accept it, that's golf. You're going to make mistakes anyway.

So I just like ran to her, and then I want to say a gentle word. I think I say a little gentle word at the beginning; it doesn't work. So I just like, when she hit the shot, just like, Ronni, I'm going to slap your face now.

RUONING YIN: No, she's like sending F-bombs to me. On No. 4, I was like okay.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I was like, are you serious? Just like let it go. Just don't be sad. Don't be guilty. Don't be upset with it.

Just like hit the ball. Just like hit the f'ing ball. That's it. I don't care.

RUONING YIN: I love it. That's the chemistry between us. She knows me, and she knows what I need to get my game back.

Q. What would you say is the biggest thing you've learned about each other? Not just playing together this week, but playing together since you've both kind of been out here on TOUR? What have you kind of learned from each other? Or maybe about each other too.

RUONING YIN: I think off the course our personality is pretty same, off and on the course. We're pretty similar. Then for her game, I know she's pretty -- she's very consistent in her short game and ball striking, like I said, all the time. It's really good.

Her attitude as well, and attitude on the course. After a bad shot, after a good shot, her attitude is always the same. So that's where I learn from her.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Just the positive vibes out there. I mean, like she said, we're pretty much all the same with kind of like with the personality-wise and golf-wise. I mean, like all the things kind of the same.

It's just like having my best friend out there to like, oh, I got you, you got me. And then it's just like it's kind of (indiscernible) when you just hit the ball and you just know you have someone that's going to be there and just make it for you no matter what it is.

I think it's just such a good team. I can't offer any better team.

Q. You said there's some things you guys like to do outside of golf maybe together. What are some of those things? When you get the chance.

RUONING YIN: We eat a lot.

Q. You eat a lot?

RUONING YIN: We eat a lot.

Q. What kind of food do you like?

RUONING YIN: We both love sushi.


RUONING YIN: Ice cream.


RUONING YIN: I mean, we went to a really good restaurant for the first time in New York.


Q. Do you take turns picking who gets -- like deciding where to go, or you both together?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Like to be honest, I don't do anything at all inside of hitting balls. Just like walkup song, you pick. Team name, you think. Whatever it is.

RUONING YIN: Yeah, I'm the one who arrange restaurant and Uber kind of things. She just need to be there.

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