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June 29, 2024

Paul Broadhurst

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, so you had a birdie on 1, 4, 5, 14, 16, bogey on 3. How did you take advantage of par-5s would you say?

PAUL BROADHURST: The par-5s, I birdied 16 was it? 16 a par-5?

Q. Yes.

PAUL BROADHURST: A good driver, my strong rescue in the left trap. The pin is tucked away hard right, so if you're missing it right you've got no third shot. I played it exactly where I was trying to hit it in the left trap and played a good bunker shot and tapped it in for birdie. So that was a nice one.

Didn't birdie -- I did birdie 1 actually. Again, just missed the green left in the trap. That left me relatively easy trap shot.

Misses were good today. Misses were bad yesterday. I was wrong-siding yesterday. A 74, bit of a struggle. Didn't putt well. Just got in the wrong positions.

Today I hit it and I was in the right place. That's key round here.

Q. Definitely. Speaking of yesterday as well, aside from that, how did today differ from your other days so far?

PAUL BROADHURST: I putted much better today. When I made a chance, I holed a putt. Did some work yesterday lunchtime on the putting. Got Mr. Stricker in on that. Played with Steve yesterday, and he's probably the best putter out here.

So I asked a little bit of advice. He sort of confirmed something that I thought I was doing. I tried to sort of modify that yesterday lunchtime.

Always a little bit nervy going out trying something new, but made a good putt on the 10th from about six feet for par. That settled me in and I putted nicely.

Q. Speaking of trying something new, how has the mindset been throughout the tournament and what's helped you keep your head in the game?

PAUL BROADHURST: I don't know whether my head has been in the game, to be honest. I came into the week with my game a little bit up and down. First round was a nice surprise, 4-under.

Then we sort of reverted back to type a little bit yesterday. When things start get away from me, I've necessarily been able to rescue it.

Today, got off to a decent start. Hit some really good shots, drove it well. A little bit unfortunate that I didn't shoot 6-under really. Couple a good putts, one on the 9th and one on the 6th. Thought I made both and they just lipped out.

Yeah, I'm a professional so we got a bit greedy.

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