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June 29, 2024

Justin Leonard

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. It was a great start, four birdies, certainly changing weather conditions that went along with a tough finish. What was the best thing that was working out well for you today, and how did the weather conditions play into it?

JUSTIN LEONARD: I hit a lot of fairways. Yesterday I hit the ball in trouble a few times and wasn't able to do much from there. So today I kept it out of trouble for the most part, drove it well, hit a lot of greens, and made a few putts.

A little disappointed in the back nine, but the wind did pick up a little bit. Still on the day I'm pretty pleased.

Q. The winds picked up as the afternoon went along, as you mentioned. How do you think that's going to impact the rest of the field out there for the day?

JUSTIN LEONARD: It's blowing about the same. Obviously different from when I played yesterday morning. It was more out of the north. So completely changes the golf course.

But pretty much the same. Just a slightly different direction than when we played on Thursday in the practice days. Not too different.

Q. What do you anticipate tomorrow? Especially with the humidity coming in, threat of storms. How will that impact the round and your focus for tomorrow?

JUSTIN LEONARD: Look, the golf course is in great shape. I think, even with a little bit of rain as we're expected to get tomorrow, it's still going to provide a big test. The question is like do you get rain and wind? That's a tough combo.

Anyways, just go with it, see what Mother Nature has in store for us tomorrow.

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