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June 29, 2024

Jerry Kelly

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Last night, heard you said you thought you were going to have a good round. How did you now?

JERRY KELLY: I didn't know. Low expectations. I think that's the key for me this week. I'm just trying to hold myself together physically, and, you know, just really take whatever the course will give me.

So it's been nice to me, so I'm happy about that.

Q. You took advantage of both of par-5s, walk me through those.

JERRY KELLY: Yeah, I love it when it's rolling out there, that I can actually reach the par-5s. So, yeah, just short on the first one with the utility wood and then really good 3-wood from about 280 on the next one, get it past the pin.

So, yeah, it's nice to take par-5s. I'm not as good as them as a lot of the other guys, being a short hitter, but scoring clubs are important.

Q. One of those was 16. Bird on 14, one of the five for today. Strong finish.

JERRY KELLY: The birdies are there. You know, there is enough downwind holes that you can access these pins. But you still have to get the ball in position off the tee to be able to use the irons into these greens.

If you're not in position, the wrong side of those holes is not where you want to be. Yeah.

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