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June 29, 2024

Brett Quigley

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What was it like out there today?

BRETT QUIGLEY: Good challenge again with the wind. It was a little more gettable, I thought, today than it was yesterday afternoon. I just didn't play that well, didn't hit a lot of fairways and was struggling getting it near the green.

Q. I know we've talked about the conditions this last week, but the golf course itself and the job that Chris Cohen and his staff have done, what do you think of the way the course is playing?

BRETT QUIGLEY: Oh, it's fantastic. Chris and his staff have been unbelievable this week with the rain that they've had last weekend and then a little bit early on.

The course is perfect. Greens are great. The fairways are great. Everything about it is the way it should be.

Q. If Billy moves up a little bit, it looks like there could be a Rhode Island pairing. How fun would it be if it comes to that the final round?

BRETT QUIGLEY: That would be great. I was hoping they'd do that the first two rounds for Billy and I to play together. I'd love that. That would be a lot of fun. Certainly for the two of us to walk this golf course, U.S. Senior Open, playing together, that would be a lot of fun.

Q. With how difficult this golf course can play and the other challenges out there, how impressive is what Fujita is doing right now?

BRETT QUIGLEY: Incredible. I looked a couple of times. I can't believe he's shooting that low of a score. That's playing some really good golf. Obviously making some putts. But very, very impressive.

Q. He seems like he came out of nowhere too. Have you ever played with him or heard of him?

BRETT QUIGLEY: I heard he's playing really well. I haven't played with him but certainly know the name. Yeah, he's putting together some good golf so far this week.

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