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June 29, 2024

Steven Alker

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So overall today you had a pretty good day. You had birdie on 1, 7, 9, 16, 17; two bogeys. How have you improved from the first two days?

STEVEN ALKER: Yeah, just kind of everything really to be honest. Hit in a few more fairways and giving myself some more chances for birdie, so that's the big thing.

Putted a little bit better today, so slowly, steadily improving. I'm a long way behind, so have to have a good day tomorrow.

Q. Definitely, yeah. Obviously the weather today hasn't been great. Windy. How do you think that's affected play so far?

STEVEN ALKER: Yeah, it just makes the par-3s around here really tough. The golf course kind of evens out with the par-5s playing easier, but yeah, those par-3s are tough with the south wind.

Yeah, it's just a good test. Good fun. Good fun to play.

Q. You've had your fair share of rounds in this tournament so far. Is there certain strategy you bring though these tourneys because you have done so well? What's the mentality like coming in?

STEVEN ALKER: Yeah, no, I just try to treat everything the same. I know it's a major and all you know is the course is going to be a little bit more tougher. Longer rough. Greens will be quicker. So I just try and prepare for that.

Just come in here and try to win a golf tournament. That's what it's all about.

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