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June 29, 2024

Billy Andrade

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You, if anyone, are familiar with the conditions in Rhode Island. How did the wind play a factor into your round today?

BILLY ANDRADE: You know, it was similar to the first day. Yesterday, we played a totally different wind yesterday morning. The wind yesterday was much harder I think than it is with this wind. I don't know when they call this. North-south, southwest, whatever.

Q. Yeah.

BILLY ANDRADE: But, yeah, I mean, it was up. You know, we played early, so it was -- the greens, I felt like the greens got quicker once we got to the back nine, close to the water. And firmer.

But overall, I mean, it was decent day. I didn't play well on the back like I wanted to, but you know what? I'm having a great time.

Q. Got to be a special feeling for you. What's it like -- probably been asked this question a lot. Got to be a special championship for you.

BILLY ANDRADE: Yeah, what makes me so proud is this is such an amazing golf course. So beautiful here in Newport. To be able to show off or state to all my brethren, all the guys that I have been playing with for 37 years on the regular TOUR and now on the Champions Tour.

They come to my state, come to my home, and they get to see how beautiful this place is. So it's pretty cool. Pretty cool to be a part of it and pretty cool to be able to play in it.

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