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June 29, 2024

Thongchai Jaidee

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So coming into today you came off a good 67 score yesterday. What was your confidence like coming into today?

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: Yeah, mainly for this week we try to hit ball on fairway, hit green, make the putt.

But that's the key; we do it every day, but especially this week. We had a wind direction it's very hard to play. You have to keep the ball in play.

That's why we try to get confident to hit the fairway, hit the green, and then make some putt.

But I hit it very good today. I know the pin position was very tough. Even though I make birdie, make par, the more important thing -- par is good. Birdie is bonus this week.

That's why my game plan to do it. But try one more day tomorrow. Still happy about my round today and yesterday; the wind affect a lot today. The wind tried to keep changes.

You know, the day is gone. Look forward to see tomorrow, what's going on tomorrow.

Q. Definitely able to stay pretty consistent today. Back nine, straight pars there. Were there any shots that stood out it help you stay on track and be stable on this golf course?

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: The course is very hard. The pin position is hard. Try to keep ball in play. That what all the player doing. You can see the score today is not pretty low because the wind affect a lot.

For me, I think it's just 3-under par is really good. You know, anyway I'm happy with that. Try to look forward tomorrow.

Q. Yeah, the wind was a big factor. What are your thoughts on your score today?

THONGCHAI JAIDEE: The thing is -- the key today for me, right, what you say, but try to make it as a par is good. Birdie is bonus. That's it.

Not easy. Try to make under par, and happy with the round.

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