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June 29, 2024

Jim Furyk

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Overall 1-under. Playing conditions look like they changed during the day. The guys have talked about the wind on the back nine. What was that? How did it affect your round?

JIM FURYK: It was pumping pretty good this morning. Yeah, I'd say the last four or five holes it tended to lay down a little bit, and the golf course was a little bit more playable.

Part of it is where you caught it too. You could have played a lot of holes downwind today and caught those good and have it turn and then lay down. For the most part, I think I caught it at a pretty good time.

The back nine going out in this wind, in the south wind is difficult. 10, 11, 12, 13, you play kind of into the wind. Then you know you have to survive, and you get to turn around and play some holes downwind and hopefully make some birdies.

Q. All the guys have talked about the greens as well. How have the greens changed over the first round?

JIM FURYK: I think probably more for the guys in the morning wave on Thursday. I heard about guys really spinning the ball, sucking it back with some wedges. I played pretty late on Thursday, so they were a touch softer, but it wasn't anything crazy difference for me.

I think those who folks that played early Thursday morning, the difference between today and Thursday afternoon is a severe difference.

Q. Tomorrow with the chance of severe weather coming in, more humid, do you think the conditions will change, and how do you think that will impact the leaders going out?

JIM FURYK: We'll have to see. I know there are some thunderstorms in the forecast. That's unfortunate. The golf course is in perfect condition right now. This place is meant to be kind of firm and fast and kind of linksy in feel. I think they've got it right where they probably want it right now.

If it stayed this way, a little breezy, and firmed up a little bit, it would be a really tough test tomorrow. We'll have to see what the weather gives us. If it rains quite a bit, I think you'll see some guys who are able to score, where it's easier to keep it on the fairway, easier to get the balls on the greens, and maybe a little less difficult.

Someone will go out there -- if it's wet, if it rains, someone will go out there and fire it.

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