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June 29, 2024

Cameron Percy

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Start off with 3 on the 1st. Walk me through that one.

CAMERON PERCY: Yeah, I hit a beautiful drive, 6-iron. Pulled it into the left bunker, and then pretty basic bunker shot. I can flub it and it'll roll out, then I hit it nicely, and it checked in and just rolled in perfect speed. That was a nice way to start the day.

Q. Good start to the day, and you end up even coming into the clubhouse. What were the biggest factors out there? Was it the wind?

CAMERON PERCY: It took so long, I just lost concentration. (Indiscernible) 6, I missed the green by like a foot, rolling down to about 10 feet, and I three-putted it. I three-putted 8, I three-putted 13.

It felt like every time, it was like wait. I don't know how long it took us, but just took us a long time and a lot of concentration. When you're 50 and have to concentrate, it's frustrating. I threw away a lot of shots today, which is annoying.

Q. Last three there, birdie, bogey, and a nice putt to get it for par there. Walk me through those final three holes.

CAMERON PERCY: Didn't quite catch it. I hit it on the heel, and it stayed in the rough and had a bad lie. I was pretty happy to get it where I did. Then the two-putt from there too was a pretty tricky putt. I think it had about 10 feet of break in it from left to right, and the wind blew down to the hole.

Happy to get one on 17. Keep pulling it on the wind. I just can't hold the right-to-left wind. Bad iron shot. Just a bad iron shot. There's so much room right there, just can't hit it left.

Q. Any positives from today you're looking to take into tomorrow?

CAMERON PERCY: It's going to be hard to win. I'm a long way back now.

Just it's the sort of course where I feel like if you shoot 7 or 8-under, then you can maybe win if the other guy can drop back a little bit.

Really enjoy it. It's fun. You can play all the shots. It's all in front of you.

It's just you've got to hit good shots. If you don't, you get penalized. It's great.

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