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June 29, 2024

Steve Stricker

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Steve Stricker to the interview room at the 44th U.S. Senior Open hosted at Newport Country Club. Steve, 4-under 66 third straight day. How was the round for you today?

STEVE STRICKER: I think it was pretty solid for the most part. The conditions, it was windy again. Trying to manage that, I think.

It took me a long time to try to figure out the clubs into the greens. I never could seem to hit enough club into the green. So that was a challenge all day, especially into the wind. I just never did a very good job of that.

Would get them on the greens, a lot of two-putt pars, stuff like that. I think overall it was a pretty solid day. Drove the ball well again, gave myself some opportunities. Really just one bad swing there at 13.

Q. Bring you back to No. 2. It seems like a pretty important up-and-down you made at the time. Could you just walk us through that hole and how you felt after you made par.

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, didn't hit a very good utility off the tee and hit it in the bunker. Now you've got -- I think I had 87 yards out of the sand to a small little green, a lot of undulation, not a good spot to be.

I thought I actually clipped it pretty good, and it went a little bit further than I thought. Hit an okay chip. I was trying to guard against going all the way back down to the front of the green and ended up making a nice 12-, 15-footer to save par.

Yeah, I putted the ball really nicely again today. I feel really good with that new putter that I put in this week and hit a lot right on my line.

But you're right, that was an important one right out of the start of the round.

Q. When you see a guy like Fujita, the way he's dialed in, does that kind of lock you in too when you're playing side by side with a guy like that?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, he didn't really miss a shot all the way around. He's very consistent, hits it in the fairway, in play, gets it on the green. He's very consistent, putted the ball really nicely.

So we're going to have to go out and have a good round to try to catch him. It looks like he's in control of what's going on with his game and emotion.

Very impressed with how he plays, and we're going to have to probably put up a good one tomorrow.

Q. Steve, can you describe the birdies at 16 and 17. There was a long putt at 17. And how that closed the gap, gives you at least an even better opportunity to catch him tomorrow.

STEVE STRICKER: 16, hit two good shots into the green, a driver and a utility club on the back of the green, and actually a good two-putt.

From where Richard and I were, we had a big breaking putt, and the best we could do was mine at about 4 or 5 feet. Then made that.

Hit a nice little punch 6-iron at 17 into the green. Yeah, I've been scaring the hole a lot today. I feel good over some long putts. I feel like I'm starting them on my line, and that one happened to find the hole.

That was an important putt to get another shot closer. Like I said, he's in control, so we're going to have to try to catch him, I think.

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