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June 29, 2024

Hiroyuki Fujita

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Hiroyuki Fujita to the interview room here at the 44th U.S. Senior Open hosted at Newport Country Club.

Hiroyuki, 4-under 67, no bogeys today. How was the round today?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I played consistent. Out there the conditions were still good. I just tried to hit some greens. I missed a couple on the back, but overall played a good round.

Q. Coming out, did you feel the need to put more birdies on the card early and then play a little defense late? What was your strategy going into the round?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I just tried to stay even keel and consistent. I'm just trying to take in -- just trying to enjoy the fact that I'm out here, and I feel very lucky to be here. I try to focus on that.

Q. How do you explain the comfort level you have at this course, seeing as you don't have a lot of experience here?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I personally don't feel that comfortable out here. I mean, that's not a major factor. You usually can't put that much spin on the ball, but here I feel like I can. It plays similar to a course I play in Japan.

Q. (No microphone)?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Take that back.

I usually feel like I have to put spin when I come from overseas. I don't have to put that much spin out here. So that plays to my advantage and makes me feel comfortable out there.

Q. What are your expectations for the conditions tomorrow here at the course?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: The conditions are supposed to be pretty bad from what I hear tomorrow. I don't have a lot of distance on my club, so I'm definitely going to be in some tough spots.

I'm just going to focus on the fact that I'm playing on the last day in the last group and focus on the fact that I'm lucky to be here.

Q. The par putt on No. 15, how important was that to continuing your momentum?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I put myself in a tough spot off the green there, and I knew I had to kind of make that putt to keep that momentum going. Just tried to relax and make it and move on to the next one.

Q. What did you learn from playing with Richard Green and Steve Stricker today and their games?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Extremely lucky to have played with them. I was excited to watch them up close. They really attacked some of those pins, and it was fun to watch.

Any time I come to one of these majors, I'm just excited to be around these guys. Playing with them is an honor.

Q. When we watch you play, you look in total control of your swing, and it looks like you know the speed of the greens. Do you feel that way?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Speed hasn't been a problem for me all week. I've definitely had a good handle on that.

I struggled a little more and missed some gimmes on the back that I wish I had. I'll definitely keep that in mind for tomorrow. However, I have no trouble reading them.

Q. Do you feel in control of your swing too?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Yeah, it depends on the day. I have some good days and some bad days. Today was a good day. I don't know about tomorrow.

Q. What is the orange head cover in your bag, and does it have any special meaning?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: It's one of my sponsors, and it's their mascot.

Q. What kind of mascot is it?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: It's called Satochan. It's an elephant.

Q. Have you heard from any friends or family, and will they be able to tune in tomorrow? Will they be following your round from overseas?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Surprisingly, I haven't got a lot of texts or any correspondence from people. And no one's coming. I just have my caddie and my manager out here with me.

Maybe I might have a surprise guest, but honestly, I want to focus on playing well. It might help to have less people out here.

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