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June 29, 2024

Lorna McClymont

Hunstanton, England, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a match, first of all. You must be proud of the way you played?

LORNA McCLYMONT: Absolutely. It's such a close game. Anyone could have won it. Unfortunately came out on the wrong side but that's golf. But yeah, the match, got it back to all-square. I think it was just a little bit tight on the day I think. Could have probably kept going all day.

Q. As you say, I think you were a little bit unlucky with your approach on 16, maybe, ran through; you expected it to stay on the green. But small margins, as you know, in golf, isn't it?

LORNA McCLYMONT: Yeah, exactly. I guess a few kind of unlucky lies as well.

Q. But if had said at the start of the week, if you came here as runner-up, going home with some silverware, you'd probably have taken it.

LORNA McCLYMONT: Absolutely.

Q. What next? It's been a good year. You've got to try to keep it going, haven't you?

LORNA McCLYMONT: Definitely. Got European Teams in two weeks' time in Spain, and then European Individual. So yeah, a few big ones coming up.

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