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June 29, 2024

Melanie Green

Hunstanton, England, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

Q. How good does that feel?

MELANIE GREEN: Pretty good. I'm happy.

Q. As debuts go, can't think of many better?

MELANIE GREEN: No, Ireland has been very good to me. Very, very good to me.

Q. How tough a match was that? You're behind; you're ahead.

MELANIE GREEN: It was very difficult. Lorna is an incredible player. Incredible player. Like I said, every girl that I faced this week was incredible. We all played some really, really solid golf. I got some lucky bounces, lucky breaks that helped in my favour but incredible golfers.

Q. Some of the toughest weather you've made played in?

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah, but I seem to find a way to do better in harder conditions sometimes. Makes me think a little more, I don't know. But yeah, it's great.

Q. You decided obviously not to take a caddie. Was that just continuing what you've done all week and same process?

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah, I mean, once I played the first few days, I figured it was probably best to just keep it the same.

But yeah, I mean, to be honest with you, the reason I didn't have a caddie was just because I didn't have that much money to spend. But yeah, it just worked out.

Q. How excited are you for these major opportunities that are now ahead?

MELANIE GREEN: I'm super excited. Gosh, I don't even really know when to think about it yet. I'm just kind of enjoying this at the moment and I'm sure I'll get really excited about it.

Q. You'll be going up against the best players in the world in the next few months.


Q. Just keep the dream going?

MELANIE GREEN: Exactly. Keep thriving.

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