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June 28, 2024

Retief Goosen

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Retief Goosen to the interview room here at the 44th U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club. Retief, 3-under today, 6-under for the championship. Can you take us through your round a little bit.

RETIEF GOOSEN: Yeah, it was obviously a completely different wind today, coming out of the north. So a lot of the holes played a lot different. Yesterday hitting 3-wood, wedge and today hitting driver, 4-iron.

It definitely played tougher today, but this afternoon it looks like the wind is dying down a little bit, so it could be good for the guys this afternoon.

There was a lot of holes that was very tough, 18 especially. Most of the guys can't get over that cross bunker.

Overall I'm happy with the round. My putter sort of saved me again here and there, I got it up-and-down, made a couple of good par putts from sort of 10, 12 feet. That's what you always need to do at a U.S. Open.

Q. Could you explain a little bit how you've dealt with the changing conditions and how playing holes yesterday that are playing completely different today, what do you have to do with your game to continue to score well?

RETIEF GOOSEN: You know, it's just difficult to trust the yardage. The ball just doesn't travel anywhere in this wind. The wind is so heavy around the ocean and so exposed. A three-club wind, it's tough to commit to a shot sometimes.

On 9, I only had 151 yards left to the flag, and I hit a 7-iron and it still came up short. It's just amazing how the conditions here can affect the ball.

Q. You've played all over the world. Does this course remind you of any course that you've played previously?

RETIEF GOOSEN: Well, you would think you're in Scotland here if you look at it. It's definitely got that links feel, British Open feel. It feels like we're going to have two British Opens, Carnoustie coming up.

It's a great golf course. For the spectators it's a little tough. There's a few holes that they can't get out to. No. 2, 3, 8 and 9 is really holes that you feel like you're playing in COVID times because there's nobody out there.

But overall there's some good support out there, good crowds, and we're looking forward to a good weekend.

Q. You've won two U.S. Opens. You've been close in this championship. What's it going to take on the weekend to win this?

RETIEF GOOSEN: Well, the wind is now supposed to change again tomorrow, and Sunday who knows what's going to happen. Sunday is looking very windy and gusty.

Once again, you're just going to have to hit the shots. Anything that you mis-hit in this wind just goes nowhere or goes way off line.

Then you're going to have to have a hot putter to make those five or six-footers for par.

Q. You went late yesterday, early today. You're going to have a later tee time tomorrow. What does the next 36 hours look like for you as you get ready for round 3?

RETIEF GOOSEN: I don't know. Going to have some lunch now. My son is here, and he says he wants to go to the aquarium, so we'll probably go wandering around the aquarium later this afternoon and have a glass of wine later and see what happens tomorrow.

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