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June 28, 2024

Scott Dunlap

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Five birdies on the day. Talk about the conditions out there and what was working well.

SCOTT DUNLAP: Well, it started testily. At least we were downwind going out, and the wind was up, and then it started to subside. But the course is still soft, but it's still a stern test.

So I kept it on the straight and narrow. Didn't find any trouble. A little bit better with the putter today. Made my short ones.

Yeah, all in all, very good round.

Q. A lot of fairways in regulation and greens in regulation. Talk about that.

SCOTT DUNLAP: Yeah, stress-free. I don't think -- I might have putted from off the green a couple times, but never had to, quote, chip or wasn't out of any bunkers and found any squirrely spots.

Yeah, reasonably stress-free, which was kind of nice. Weekend at a major and even in decent shape.

Q. What can you take from today?

SCOTT DUNLAP: Yeah, like I said, yesterday the putter was balky. Today was better. Let's hope that's the one that shows up for the weekend.

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