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June 28, 2024

Cameron Percy

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a round today. Seven birdies. Had it to 7-under at one point. Take us through how you were feeling up to that point and specifically what did you hit on the par-3?

CAMERON PERCY: On the 17th?

Q. The 5th?

CAMERON PERCY: The 5th. I hit an 8-iron, nice little 8-iron. It was pretty windy at that stage so just hit an 8-iron. On the previous hole it went miles and thought, let's go 8-iron again. Hit it to ten feet and made it, so that was nice.

Q. What about all the other birdies? Anything special stick out to you? I notice you hit 16 greens in regulation today, so that helped.

CAMERON PERCY: The mucked up the last two holes. Yeah, I just tweaked my lie angles and irons and going left on me. If I don't hold onto it it's going left, so that's happened on 17.

And then 18 I just blocked my driver. Been hitting a beautiful draw all day and it went straight, so that was no fun.

It was in the hazard and had to chip it out.

Q. Okay.

CAMERON PERCY: But I found something in my putting this morning on the putting green. Made a lot of 10-, 15-footers today so it was nice.

Q. So playing in the afternoon, a lot of wind yesterday. How much of a difference did you see this morning?

CAMERON PERCY: It was worse this morning because the first was into us. Like we could barely reach the second -- we couldn't reach the bunker on the first.

Second I hit a good drive and had fifty yards still. And then at the end we thought it was dying down a bit but didn't really.

It was still there. But, yeah, couldn't quite feel it as much coming in.

Q. So obviously making the weekend. What are you looking forward to heading into tomorrow?

CAMERON PERCY: Going to good find out with my irons are doing because my putting is really good. Just got to get my irons a bit sharper. The pins here are really nasty. If you're just a little bit off it's not much fun.

You got to be really precise with your irons so got to work on that this afternoon.

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