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June 28, 2024

Thomas Bjorn

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid day, 4 birdies, no bogeys?

THOMAS BJORN: No, it was good. It was tough early on. Couple really tough holes on this back nine where it was blowing a bit.

You know, just kind of keeping that together.

And then, yeah, just pretty solid. Hitting a lot of greens and not putting myself in bad positions on the golf course.

So, yeah, good day. Nice to be in a nice group.

Q. Seemed a little bit less windy out there today. How were the conditions?

THOMAS BJORN: It was windy early on. Play 14 driver 3-wood into 14, so that's -- so there was a lot of wind early on. Then it kind of -- as soon as we turned on to the back nine, it did kind of went away a bit and seems to be nice now.

But we'll take what it is and 6-under, so decent place to be. Won't be too far behind, so have a good weekend and see where we can get to.

Q. What can you take from today and bring to the weekend?

THOMAS BJORN: No, if I play like I did today in for a good weekend. Golf is a funny game. It could be very different tomorrow. So we'll see where we are. Hit some balls and get some good rest and then we go again.

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