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June 28, 2024

Billy Andrade

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you politely sum up your round today?

BILLY ANDRADE: Today was tough. Just didn't have it. Didn't have a good feel on the greens. My speeds weren't as good as it was yesterday. I was above the hole it seemed like quite a bit. When you're above the hole here, it's danger zone. I three-putted a couple times.

Unfortunate on 7 where I really could have -- the lie looked pretty good. I thought I could get this sand wedge on the green, and it just came out -- club tilted and went in the hazard and I made double bogey there.

Overall, hey, I played great yesterday. I struggled a little today. But there's still 36 holes to go here, and anything can happen, and I'm in the mix. Go out tomorrow and shoot another low one, and I'm right back in it. That's my mindset.

It's always hard to -- especially when you go late-early. We were here at 7:00. You got to get to bed and be back here at 6:30 in the morning for an early time, and I just didn't have it.

But that's okay. Like I said, it's 36 to go, and I'm having a blast. Love the energy from the fans out here. It's just wonderful. This is a hell of a week.

Q. Golf courses have a way of humbling you, but coming into this one, a course that you've played so many times, do you feel like almost like you have the edge?

BILLY ANDRADE: Yeah, a lot of people have asked me that. You've still got to hit golf shots. I played with Thomas Björn today, didn't make a bogey, like I did yesterday. He played great, shot 66.

Rocco played well today. You know what, the guys that are leading the tournament right now is not making mistakes.

These are world-class players. These are Hall-of-Famers. These are the best of the best. Yeah, it's great that I've played here quite a bit, but I've never played a tournament here. This is my first time ever playing a tournament, just like all these other players. Advantage? A little bit. Sleep in my own bed, fantastic. Seeing people I haven't seen in a long time, awesome.

But when you get in the ropes and you go out there, you've got to hit one shot at a time and you've got to hit them well. If not, this place can make you look like a fool.

Q. Every shot, every hole is a learning experience. What did you come away with today? What did you learn that you hopefully will apply for better results tomorrow and Sunday?

BILLY ANDRADE: I've just got to be a little better on the greens, work on speed a little bit. I thought the greens got a little quicker today than they were last night. But other than that, I've driven the ball pretty well, and I've hit a lot of good shots. Try to stay out of this rough. That's the key.

Q. Did you notice Terry Francona in the gallery today?

BILLY ANDRADE: Yeah, he was out there on my 10th, 11th and 12th, he was out there watching, which is great. Glad to see him back. I know I had some issues up in Boston, and I'm glad he's here for the weekend.

Q. You talked about how you guys are friends --

BILLY ANDRADE: Awesome. He's the best. Nobody better than Terry Francona.

Q. I would imagine being a baseball guy and having followed the team in '04 and '07 --

BILLY ANDRADE: My only regret is I didn't know him back then. I could have got a few extra tickets maybe. But no, I met him after he was with the Indians and we played some golf together down in Florida in a tournament, and then I've stayed at his house a few times for our Tucson event that we have in the winter.

Salt of the earth; no one better than Terry Francona.

Q. He said he didn't know if he could root for anybody, but he's rooting for you.

BILLY ANDRADE: I like that.

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