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June 28, 2024

Omar Uresti

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So just take us through the round. 4-under. Clean card. Maybe let us know what you hit on the par-3 fifth to get at that birdie.

OMAR URESTI: Yeah, just started off, I was a little, yeah, maybe anxious starting the day. Didn't hit the most solid drive on one but it was in the fairway and able to make a par on the first couple.

Then got on No. 3, and just hit it barely in the rough and caught a little jumper fortunately, because I didn't quite catch it. Landed a little short of the hole and landed up on the green able to make that for birdie on No. 3.

5, I was trying to hit 6-iron, get it on the green and let it chase back. Landed on but landed soft and didn't chase back. But then I made about a 30-footer I guess with a lot of break.

Q. Everybody has been hitting 6-iron there today.

OMAR URESTI: I left the pin in, which I rarely do. Fortunately hit the pin and rattled in. I was very fortunate there.

And then I get to No. 9 and I hit a good drive there on No. 9 and just kind of knocked down a 5-iron. Yesterday I hit a little wedge. Today I hit a knock-down 5-iron and ended up eight feet below the hole which was perfect and straight up the hill and was able to make that.

Ten, another good tee shot. I noticed my driver had a hairline crack but fortunately wasn't an issue. It was still conforming so I was able to use it the rest of the day.

Hit a wedge up there about 10 to 12 feet and a little downhiller and was able to make that for birdie.

Then after that, I hit a lot of good shots.

Q. A lot of fairways and greens.

OMAR URESTI: A lot of fairways and greens.

18, I knew it was going to be -- I knew I had to hit one really good to get it over the bunker so I was trying to aim just left and caught it just a fraction thin and it cut, hit the lip of the bunker, came back.

Decided to lay up with a 9-iron to keep it short of the left fairway bunk. Then I hit a knock-down 8-iron from about 120. It was playing uphill, about 125 and into the wind.

Got it up there about seven feet or whatever and I was able to make that putt to finish off with a good par.

Q. So as we're standing here, we can feel the wind coming up.

OMAR URESTI: Just switched.

Q. Yesterday you guys played in the afternoon and it was extremely breezy.


Q. Not so much this morning. How did that affect your game?

OMAR URESTI: This morning, even though the wind was coming from the opposite direction it was still blowing pretty good. Still a good club and a half wind this morning, where yesterday I understand they didn't have that much.

Actually just in the last 15 minutes the wind switched from northeast, now it's coming out of south, south west. Longer holes going to play a little tougher, kind of like I had it yesterday.

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