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June 28, 2024

Sandra Gal

Maude-Aimee Leblanc

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: I'm here with Team Shorties after their second round at the Dow Championship. Talk a little bit about how you guys felt like it went out there today, kind of bouncing off each other. A lot of birdies, no bogeys on the scorecard.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, I think we complemented each other pretty well today. Whenever I was struggling a little bit, Sandra had my back, and the other way around. We definitely both felt like we left a few putts out there, but overall we're pretty happy with the round.

SANDRA GAL: Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I think we had little spurts of momentum and then we just helped each other out again on a few holes where one of us was struggling. Yeah, it's nice to know you have a good round and there's still room for more.

Q. Talk about that stretch of four birdies on the front nine. Was that one person? Was that kind of back and forth?

SANDRA GAL: Back and forth. We just kept alternating birdies. It was super fun.

Q. Talk a little bit about the format today versus yesterday, how you guys might have changed the strategy a little bit and helped you move up the leaderboard for sure.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, I think our strategy today was -- well, Sandra played first on the tee, so I could sometimes be a little bit more aggressive with the driver or take a more aggressive line.

I think for our approach shots, same thing. I think she was very consistent hitting the greens, and sometimes I could be a little more aggressive than others, and the other way around. Yeah, again, we complemented each other.

Q. What are you hoping for this weekend? What are you looking forward to most, kind of repeating the formats again and seeing how that goes?

SANDRA GAL: Yeah, I think that at least for me I got pretty comfortable playing with Maude the last couple days. I'm just looking forward to the weekend and seeing how many birdies we can make and just kind of enjoying being out here. Honestly for me it's the first weekend in a long time that I'm playing on the LPGA, so I'm really soaking it in. We're just trying to have fun and make a lot of birdies.

Q. Do you have a story of why you guys chose to be partners?

SANDRA GAL: So Maude was my little sister in 2012. Then this year I just heard that she was looking for a partner, and I really wanted to play the event, so I asked her, and she said yes.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: She was a great big sister, so I always have great memories with Sandra.

Q. What's your best memory from when you were the big sister, little sister?

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: I remember I was following her in the pro-am because that was one thing we had to do as rookies, and there was a rain delay. I feel like most players would have just done their own thing or not talked to the annoying rookie following them, but - do you remember - she was like, let's play a game. We were throwing a ball and stuff.

SANDRA GAL: I don't remember that.

MAUDE-AIMEE LEBLANC: Yeah, we just played a game while there was a rain delay, and I thought she was really nice.

Q. Was there anything that you remember from that that you were trying to implement and teach her during her rookie year?

SANDRA GAL: During her rookie year, I think I gave her some relationship advice.


SANDRA GAL: Just random little things. The first year can be overwhelming.

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