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June 28, 2024

Hiroyuki Fujita

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome Hiroyuki Fujita at the interview room here at the 44th Senior Open at the Newport Country Club. You shot a 4-under 66 and are currently in first place. How was your round today?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I was lucky yesterday, and I didn't expect to play this well. So I feel good that I played like this.

Q. What would you say the best part of your game was? Driving, irons, chipping, or putting?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Feels like I had an overall consistent performance out there used the pin placement to my advantage and put the ball on the green and let it trickle down.

Q. How different was the course today from yesterday?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Yesterday there wasn't that much wind, and it was a lot softer on the greens. Today I battled the wind a little bit, and the greens were definitely a little firmer, in my mind.

Q. You birdied 3 of the first 5 holes. Were you excited about that start considering yesterday how well you played?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I didn't expect that at all. I surprised myself a little bit, but it's only day two, and I want to continue to play consistent and not get too high or low and see where it takes me.

Q. Were there one or two shots that were the best of the round today that made the round what it was?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I felt really good about my tee shot on 17, which was an 8-iron. It felt good.

Q. I'm sure you know the name Isao Aoki. Was that someone you idolized when you were growing up in Japan?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I definitely look up to him. I consider him a legendary player in Japan, but there are definitely a lot of legendary players in Japan. I definitely look up to some of the younger guys too who are on the scene right now.

Q. Aoki came in second in the U.S. Open in 1980, and no male Japanese player has ever won a USGA Championship. Females have. What would it mean to you to win and be the first?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I'm aware, and there are other players like Matsuyama, who have won majors out here.

I just didn't expect myself to be maybe the guy that's going to do it.

Q. What happened with the bogey on the par-3, and were you pleased with how you were able to recover the rest of the round?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: It's a struggle, and made bogey on that hole. He had the next two par-3s coming up and heard about the two hole-in-ones, so I hit a 4-iron off the tee and just wanted to hit the green and try and recover.

Q. Would this be your first victory on U.S. soil?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: Never won on American soil. The best finish in a TOUR event was 11. I don't think I've broke top 30 at any majors.

Q. How will you prepare for tomorrow after tonight?

HIROYUKI FUJITA: I'm going to go home and cook some dinner, relax, go to bed, come back with a fresh mindset tomorrow.

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