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June 28, 2024

Jay Haas

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You had a pretty consistent day overall, very steady. You had a birdie on 2, bogey on 3. Otherwise pars overall. What are your thoughts on the round today?

JAY HAAS: I played very well yesterday. Played pretty well today; not as well. Left myself a lot of long putts for birdie but didn't really have a lot of chances. I managed to lag them up there and made a lot of three, four footers for pars, what you kind have to do in a U.S. Open.

I was pretty fortunate to get away with an even-par, but I'm pleased to be having a weekend starting time.

Q. Were there any pars in particular that helped to stabilize and give that stability?

JAY HAAS: I made a nice par at No. 4. I had birdied 2 making the turn; that was my 11th hole. Then I bogeyed 3 and made about a six-foot par putt at 4.

That kind of settled me down a little bit after the bogey at 3, so that was big.

Then I made about a 4 1/2, 5-footer at the next hole for par. It just seemed like there were a lot of holes in there where I was stressing myself a little bit. Overall, that putt at 4 was probably the key.

Q. Speaking of stability, you've had a pretty consistent career so far. 18 Senior Opens, you made the cut for all of them. At 70 years old, very impressive. How are you able to stay so consistent, and what does that mean to you?

JAY HAAS: I don't know, I just really enjoy playing in USGA events, and this one's no different. I kind of get worked up for it, I guess, and get really focused. I've managed to play well when I've played.

I don't know, I never have won any of them. I came close a couple of times early in my early 50s, but again, it's just nice to continue to make cuts and try to get a little better on the weekend.

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