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June 28, 2024

Nataliya Guseva

Gigi Stoll

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here now with team 2Gs after their second round at the Dow Championship. Take us through the day today and what was working well for both of you.

GIGI STOLL: Well, shout-out to my partner. She birdied the first three holes in a row. I just kicked back a little bit and watched her do her thing. We definitely have each other's back out there. It's fun to be playing with somebody that is cheering you on the whole way, and I think that's what we have is a good squad.

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I think we just match each other really good, and we know each other quite well from the Epson Tour. We were always kind of travel buddies, as well. I'm just so happy to have Gigi as my partner, and I think we're just vibing out there well and just really having fun.

That's what is important for this tournament is bringing this energy and just go and enjoy it and have fun.

Q. Talk about just on the course, how Nataliya, your strengths play to Gigi's, Gigi, your strengths play to Nataliya's. How does that synergize into a fantastic round?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I think when I see someone -- if Gigi is in trouble or I'm in trouble, we're just having each other's back, and it really helps, as well as alternate shot, that our game is kind of like really matches pretty good. So that's why we felt really comfortable out there yesterday, and we're really looking forward for tomorrow, as well.

Yeah, just like keeping the vibes very high and cheering on each other, and just go and kick the butts.

Q. What is it about this course that you're both able to really take advantage of the scoring opportunities?

GIGI STOLL: Well, in alternate shot I think we've structured our format really well. Yesterday the holes suited us perfectly. There was a lot of shots that she could attack. There were a lot ever pins that I could attack. I think that was a great advantage for our games.

Today we just left it all out there. A lot of birdies to be made. Goose was on fire. I just let her do her thing.

Q. Nataliya, how are you able to take advantage of this course? You birdied the first three holes. What is it about this course that suits your eye?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I would just say that greens are fitting my eye pretty good, so I just really putting well this week, and hopefully it's going to go for the rest of the weekend, as well.

I just take advantages of the par-5s, like of the shorter holes with a driver because we're both pretty long from the tee. I think it fits our eye pretty well, and we definitely can go out there and win this thing.

Q. Like I've been saying, you guys have been bouncing off each other, vibes are high, and you're both rookies this season. How great is it to go through an event like this with a fellow rookie knowing it's your first times out here?

GIGI STOLL: Yeah, I think it's exciting. We've been looking forward to playing together all year. We knew this was going to be a squad. We knew we'd have a really good chance, just having fun. She took some of my money today, and honestly I'm not mad about it. We had a little inside bet going. I think that keeps the vibes really good. We talk about vibes a lot because we're out here trying to have fun.

Obviously playing good golf is a bonus, but we're here to just have a good time and cheer each other on the whole way through.

NATALIYA GUSEVA: For sure. I remember I got a text from Gigi right after we finished the Q-school, and she was like, hey, do you want to partner with me for Dow, and I was like, yeah, for sure, let's do it. We planned it a really long time ago, and I was just always looking forward for this event because we know that we just like vibing with each other and going and enjoying it and having fun out there.

Yeah, it's just awesome. I love this event, and I love being with Gigi.

Q. What was the bet?

GIGI STOLL: $20 birdies. She birdied the first three, I was like, I've got to crime this ladder now. Setting the bar high.

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