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June 28, 2024

Grace Kim

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. I'm here with Grace, asking her about her duck pin that she normally wears and the reason behind it and why you wear it and like to support?

GRACE KIM: Yeah, obviously it's a big thing in Australia with Cancer Council. Jarrod Lyle back in the day obviously passed away. I wasn't fortunate enough to meet him in person, but I go through his family, through the Cancer Council Foundation and the Leuk Foundation. Obviously they have this duck called Leuk, but it's spelled L-e-u-k for leukemia because he passed away with that. It's just a recognition for him and how great of a person he was, playing golf on the PGA TOUR with that mindset and going through all of that. So I think it's just a true inspiration, especially as an Aussie, just to be recognizing him that way I guess everywhere we go. So a few of us have that duck pin.

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