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June 28, 2024

Charley Hull

Georgia Hall

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Great round today, near the top of the leaderboard again. It looks like you guys just had a lot of fun out there. Can you just talk about the round today, and again, how you seemed to bounce off of each other?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, we played pretty well, played steady. Obviously a different format to yesterday, but I felt like we played pretty steady all day.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I think we made our fair share of birdies. Could have been a few more maybe. But we had a little bet with each other with like five, six holes to play. I felt that we were getting a little stale, bored maybe.

Yeah, it was just a long round. So I said to Charles going up 14, I was like, right, whoever makes the most birdies from now on has to pay for everything for the rest of the day, and I managed to get one on the last to beat her, so you're not happy, are you?

CHARLEY HULL: No, because I lipped out on every single hole coming in apart from the last.

GEORGIA HALL: But it worked, so I think we'll just do that again Sunday, shall we?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah. She sly'd me, because on the 14th hole it was actually me to go probably by about a foot, and she goes, Charles, I'll go here. And I go, all right, George, you just want to make the birdie before I do. And she missed and I holed it and I said, that teaches you doesn't it?

GEORGIA HALL: She was more interested in beating me than the score.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah. We're quite competitive.

Q. What's the plan for the rest of the day then considering the fact that you won't be paying?

CHARLEY HULL: Just go and get a Starbucks and just chill and go to the gym.

GEORGIA HALL: I'm going to pick a steak.

Q. Any plan tomorrow when your walk-up song gets played down 18? How are you going to have fun tomorrow do you think?

CHARLEY HULL: Just carry on with what we did today. Go out there, have some fun, and two more days, and can't wait to see my boyfriend.

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