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June 28, 2024

Ariya Jutanugarn

Moriya Jutanugarn

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: I'm here with the Jutanugarn sisters after the second round of the Dow Championship. Just talk about how you guys felt like you played out there today and how you might have bounced off each other.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: We had so much fun, especially the first hole. We both make 5 for bogey, so after that we kind of have to make some birdies.

After the second hole we started to make birdies, so make us feel a bit better.

She's been helping me a lot because I feel like sometimes I can go more aggressive to the pin because she kind of got my back.

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, playing the team event, it kind of felt like -- I mean, I'm having fun all day, and actually she's been playing good, like make a lot of putts, so make my life a little bit easier today.

When you know that someone got your back, you kind of feel like you can be more aggressive, and you almost play without fear.

Q. What's it been like to be back at this event that you both are former winners at and kind of seeing your face in a few places? What's that been like?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I always love this place since my first time when we come here. I love the course. I love all the fans out here.

And the little town, I feel like it's so peace to be here. It just feels great to be here.

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, it's always very nice to be able to come back and play this event and also playing with my sister. You don't have a lot of chances to play together as much, and also we always got a really good feedback from the fans this week, which is so nice.

Q. What's it like this week, too, to pair up a little bit and be on the same team compared to other times when there might be a sister rivalry a little bit?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: We don't get to play together as much, especially in the same team and not against each other. We always enjoy our time together, trying to support each other I think is the key on the golf course, especially playing the team event, and you want to play with someone you trust.

Q. How would you guys say you're different a little bit on the golf course? Is there any differences between the two of you?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Everything is different. I'm not really thinking that much. I'm not taking time. In the ball flight, we're so different. I hit a bit draw, she hit a bit fade. Sometimes I be more aggressive, she be more conservative. I think we're totally different.

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