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June 28, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Atthaya Thitikul

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Ronni and Jeeno after the second round of the Dow Championship. Different format today, four-ball. Talk about how you bounced off of each other today maybe.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Actually we bounced off each other pretty good. I didn't do any work on the front nine. She did the first nine; I did the back nine.

RUONING YIN: I mean, yeah, because Jeeno made her first birdie on 12, and then we just keep teasing each other saying, oh, maybe it's too early for you. Then after 12, I said, okay, Jeeno, finally wake up after 12 holes.

Then she just keeps making birdies on the back nine, which is pretty good.

I think we're two shots back, and we're not far off. I think we've still got a lot of chance on the weekend. So it's good.

Q. There was a little bit banter about it being kind of early for you?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, we woke up like 4:15. It's a little too early.

RUONING YIN: Too early for her. I just kept saying, Jeeno, wake up.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: It's fun because she got the rest.

Q. Talking about the number of fans here today, it's kind of Dow Appreciation Day today. What have you noticed about this course and the community, too, at this event, with all the fans here?

RUONING YIN: I mean, I can see a lot of signs that say welcome to Dow Championship and welcome all the LPGA players, some kind of like that. I just feel like playing like at home because today we tee off early but still have a lot of fans that came out and rooting for us, and just really appreciative.

Q. Talk a little bit about you'll hear your walk-up song tomorrow on 18. Any plans of what you'll do during the walk?

RUONING YIN: Jeeno might dance.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Oh, I don't know.

RUONING YIN: I think we just walk.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I don't even know which part of the song yet.

RUONING YIN: I'll show you later. It's a good one.

Q. Was there a lot of handshaking today still?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: We don't even do this on the front nine at all.

RUONING YIN: We did once.

Q. Are you going to handshake again?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yes, just like this.

RUONING YIN: It's kind of cute, but, yeah, we only made one beard on the front nine, which sucks. But we did a lot on the back nine.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: What's funny is we told them our ball-striking is pretty good.

RUONING YIN: I mean, you hit it pretty good on the back nine. Front nine was a little shitty, but hit it good on the back nine.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: We hope we can do our handshake a lot tomorrow.

RUONING YIN: And Sunday.

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