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June 28, 2024

Rocco Mediate

Midland, Michigan, USA

Midland Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So solid round today. Six birdies, 3-under, back in the tournament. Definitely playing the weekend. Take us through the round.

ROCCO MEDIATE: Very happy. I hit a lot of greens today. Pete, we didn't miss many greens did we today? Hit most of greens. Missed couple.

That's good. You got to do that around here. It's just the wind was blowing the opposite, so it was -- it wasn't as hard as yesterday didn't seem like, but pretty good breeze.

Q. So better scoring conditions today?

ROCCO MEDIATE: A little bit.

Q. You guys tee'd off in the afternoon with a lot of wind yesterday.

ROCCO MEDIATE: Depends on what happens in the afternoon. If it lays down it'll be lower, but we'll see.

Q. What did you hit on the par-3 fourth to get that birdie there?


Q. Seems to be a popular club there today.

ROCCO MEDIATE: Yeah, how about the guy made two hole-in-ones back-to-back. That's insane.

Q. Both 6 irons.

ROCCO MEDIATE: I had a 6-iron in and 5-iron on 5. Yeah, it's just cool. Place is awesome.

Q. What were the crowds like playing with Billy?

ROCCO MEDIATE: Great. Billy is one of my favorite people in the world. He got in a little trouble today. He's playing good. It happens around here. A little bit off, toast.

Q. What are you looking forward to this weekend?

ROCCO MEDIATE: Yeah, just playing. Getting up on one tee tomorrow and trying to hit it in the fairway. That's all you can think about. Nothing else.

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