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June 28, 2024

Melanie Green

Hunstanton, England, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

Q. It's easy this links golf, isn't it?

MELANIE GREEN: No, it's not at all. I was telling -- I don't know who I was telling, but this golf course doesn't -- I don't want to say that because I have gotten some lucky breaks, but this golf course doesn't give you the score.

You certainly have to hit good golf shots to get the good scores. So yeah, I'm incredibly blessed to even be here on one of the top golf courses in the world. So yeah, I'm just lucky that Portmarnock is being nice to me.

Q. In all seriousness, given the weather, playing a different type of course that you're not used to, you've adapted incredibly well.

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah. I've been -- I'm lucky that I have some really good people around me that were telling me to just putt from everywhere. So yeah, I've just kind of assessed the shot and kind of went with it. But yeah.

Q. Has that been the key, particularly around the greens, using the putter as much as possible?

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah. I have putted a little bit from the rough. Like when I've got this much rough to work with, there's times I'm whipping out the flat stick. I think it's less risky keeping it on the ground, and that's everywhere in the world, right? But out here you can certainly whip out the putter and it's going to work out most of the time.

But yeah, I like keeping it on the ground even in America when I can.

Q. You seem so happy to be here this week, just enjoying it all. Has that given you a relaxed state to go and play?

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah. I think the fact that I'm not putting a bunch of expectations on myself and I'm strictly just saying, look, you're never in Ireland; go have fun. The people are great here. Everybody is treating me like a princess. Thank you to every local here, every person on the R&A staff, every volunteer. You guys are treating me like gold. So why can you not go out and just have fun, right?

Q. You've got 36 holes potentially tomorrow. How do you prepare for that?

MELANIE GREEN: Well, I'm going to do the massage gun. I'm going to do stem therapy. I'm going to do a lot of sleep, a lot of watching the back nine. I feel like that's going to be a good start.

Q. You're not playing an Irish player but you're playing a GB&I player who's played a lot of links golf. Do you know her at all? Played much?


Q. She's quite used to this type of golf course, but given what I've said, you've adapted pretty well already.

MELANIE GREEN: Yeah. I don't know much about her. I actually don't know that I've ever played in the same golf tournament as her. Yeah, again, I'm sure we'll have a blast. Let's just see what happens.

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