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June 27, 2024

Katie Boulter

Eastbourne, England, UK

Devonshire Park

Press Conference

J. PAOLINI/K. Boulter

6-1, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Difficult day today, Katie. Can you just talk about the match from your perspective.

KATIE BOULTER: I think from my perspective, it was very, very tricky today. I don't think it was about how you hit your forehand or how you hit your backhand. It was more about I think probably a bit of a mental game and trying to stay calm in the wind.

I don't think my game really suited it today. I think I struggled to kind of get the grasp of which way it was doing and what I was doing, whereas I think she suited it a little bit more and played a bit more smart. I mean, she's No. 7 in the world for a reason. Credit to her, she played better than me today.


Q. Given what you just said there about how it was sort of the conditions and mental, it was just one of the things you chalk down to one of those days rather than anything that worries you too much?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to go too much into it today. I think I have played some brilliant tennis this week, last week, the week before. I'm not worried too much about anything.

I think today was just one of those days that I didn't quite come on the right end of it. Yeah, it wasn't necessarily about feeling confident or anything like that. It was about maybe a bit of luck here and there and a little bit of just better playing from her.

Q. Do you feel like you're in the best position you have ever been going into Wimbledon? Obviously you have had two good runs the last two years. Do you feel this is the best you have ever been going into it?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, look, I can't tell the future. I don't know what's going to happen next week. But one thing I do know is that this is the best tennis I have been playing for a very long time. I think ever actually in my career.

I think I have been building this for a very long time in terms of the way that I have been playing more consistently and my strength and the power that I'm bringing, you know, each time I step on the court.

But obviously, at the same time, I'm realistic. There are some tough draws out there. I'm really just looking forward to getting out there and enjoying it. Obviously first time seeded for me, which was a goal of mine, but at the same time, you know, each round, you know, comes as it goes and you've just got to focus on it.

I am looking forward to getting out there, but firstly, I have to full on finish this week, get some treatment, and look after the body.

Q. Obviously you just mentioned being seeded at Wimbledon, 32nd seed, the first time you've been seeded going into Wimbledon. Obviously that's a big milestone for you. Does it change anything in terms of how you approach the tournament, apart from some of the perks of maybe getting a better draw, and some of the things you can enjoy around the site?

KATIE BOULTER: I wouldn't say it changes that much. I think, for me, you never know who you're going to play until the draw comes out. There is always a few floaters, for sure. I don't take that for granted at all. Obviously I'm going to miss a lot of the top seeds, which is a bonus for me.

You know, I think playing them early on sometimes it can go your way; sometimes it doesn't. So it kind of mitigates that risk. That's a credit to my hard work I have put in this whole year and managed to get myself in that position. Again, every single player you're playing in this draw is super tough and anyone can win.

The depth and the level of women's tennis right now I think is at its highest point, so it really is tough to win rounds. I think, you know, you've got to focus on what's ahead of you and take it as it goes.

Q. You have obviously made big strides in the last year, you won your first 250 and won your first 500. Jasmine has also made big strides, winning a 1000 and then making a major final. How much does a story like that and a player like that inspire you to continue to improve and to grow in your career?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, honestly, I love her story. I think she's an incredible player, an incredible person as well. I practice with her a lot. I have actually been on the journey a little bit with her. I have known her for a very long time, so it's nice to watch someone who is a good person do really well.

So for me, I have enjoyed watching her story. It also gives you a little bit of belief that that can be you as well. Full credit to her for taking every opportunity she's been given, and yeah, she's a very good tennis player. There is a reason for it.

Q. You always are a great player for talk about the positives even from a loss. What are the positives you're going to take from the last few weeks into Wimbledon?

KATIE BOULTER: I've got so many positives. Yeah, I mean, I could start with Nottingham, you know, defending my first title. Coming back and doing it again, I think that shows a lot about me, especially as I was very sick during the whole entire week. I think it shows my resilience and my strength in tough moments.

I'm definitely going to draw on that. I'm definitely going to remind myself that I also played five sets that day, and I managed to get through it. So when I'm really hurting physically, I'm going to remind myself of that, and hopefully it's going to get me through a lot of places.

But, look, I mean, I have been playing some very good tennis. I have been building with my team, working on specific things that I'm very happy about. But I've got a long way to go yet. You know, I've got a lot of work to be done until I get to a point that I'm very happy with.

Now it's all about going out and enjoying it and trusting that everything I have done in the past year, this past five years, has started to put itself in place. That's the most important thing for me is that I go out and trust.

Q. Was crunching some numbers about grass, just in general, on the WTA Tour, and you're one of the top-10 grass court players over the last few years. I'm curious if you can kind of articulate what you think separates you from the rest of the pack? What makes you so dangerous on this surface?

KATIE BOULTER: I think it suits my game. I think I do feel like the weapons I have marry up well on these courts. I think I embrace it a lot. I think I try to learn how I can get better every single year with my team on this surface, and I just enjoy it. I do.

I enjoy playing on this surface, and that does really help. It helps you in the big moments, because it kind of relaxes you. I think I'm a player that kind of needs to be relaxed, and then I play my best tennis.

Yeah, I just enjoy it, and I have fun out there. I don't know if some of the other players don't or do, I'm not sure, but I can speak for myself when I say I do have fun.

Q. What are you most looking forward to now as we can finally talk about Wimbledon, the next tournament? What are you most looking forward to at Wimbledon?

KATIE BOULTER: I'm most looking forward to, I mean, there is a long list. Pretty much everything.

I think the first time that I step out. I think that's going to be a nice moment for me. Hearing the crowd. I think that's going to be very special.

There is no place like Wimbledon for me. You know, it's actually one of my home clubs and the best one, I would say, in the world, you know, in front of the best crowd.

I really am just looking forward to just getting out there and, yeah, having those kind of prematch nerves, that moment where you walk on and you feel that fuzzy feeling that kind of pushes you on. Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting out there.

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