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June 27, 2024

Chris Hockaday

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So you had it to 4-under at one time.


Q. What were you thinking at that point?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: Well, I wasn't expecting to be at 4-under for one thing, so just trying to stay in the present honestly, just trying to stay in the moment and just keep doing my process.

That was it really.

Q. Did conditions change during your round?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: No. Well, yeah, when we tee'd off it was drizzling rain a little bit and a little wet, but it was pretty nice. Actually course softened up, which is helpful.

But, no, it turned beautiful. Wind -- didn't have any breeze blowing much, very light breeze. Then the last about four holes the wind started picking up a little bit.

But still wasn't that big of a deal. Wasn't really blowing that much then.

Q. Tell me how exciting it was and tell me how you birdied the first two holes. 2-under, on the top of the leaderboard.

CHRIS HOCKADAY: Just trying to go through my process. Really sticking to that. And I've got try not to show much emotion either way, good or bad shot.

But that was it. Just tried to -- it's a long week, so just to pace myself really.

Q. Which of the birdies were you particularly proud of?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: Probably -- well, proud of every one of them. The second hole, I hit a good driving iron there and had a good yardage. Got it in there really close.

I was a little nervous over that. It was like a 95 yard shot and I had 100 yard club, and over that green is kind of dead. When I saw to get up there very close it was very satisfying. Also 8 and 9. Hit a really good shot into 9 to walk up there and see it close to the hole, and it's a blind shot, was pretty pleasing, too.

Q. What did you hit into 8 and the yardage?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: What did we have in 9? Like 160 to the hole. Yeah, 161. 8-iron.

Q. About how close was it?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: About six feet. It was just over -- there is a little false ridge, but it was just over the ridge. Stayed up on the same level of the hole and managed to make it.

Q. How pleased are you to shoot a 69 in the first round?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: Very pleased. Wish I could have finished a little bit better, but it's okay. Before I started today if you told me I would be under par I would've took it and run with it.

It is what it is right now.

Q. You told us prior to the Championship starting that making the cut was the biggest goal?


Q. You think you're on your way there?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: Yes, sir. First step. First round was the first step, and so, yeah, just go from there.

Q. How comfortable now with this course?

CHRIS HOCKADAY: I don't know that there is any being comfortable with it. I'm not really comfortable with it, but it does fit my eye. Some courses fit your eye and some courses don't. This course is pleasing to me when I stand over a shot and look at it.

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